I am back in Alma - it's fun to look forward to what I will be doing in Mexico, but I was home too long. I got a taste of how nice it is to see my friends again - meaning friday Andrew took me to a movie, saturday I watched movies with Corey, and sunday Andrew took me to lunch and then we went to Andy's and talked for about an hour and half. And now, as much as I wanted to leave, I want to stay. I remembered how wonderful Greenville can be with the right people around - my friends. And I miss you already.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
So true. . .
Your Power Color Is Indigo |
At Your Highest: You are on a fast track to success - and others believe in you. At Your Lowest: You require a lot of attention and praise. In Love: You see people as how you want them to be, not as how they are. How You're Attractive: You're dramatic flair makes others see you as mysterious and romantic. Your Eternal Question: "Does This Work Into My Future Plans?" |
Friday, April 28, 2006
Hot Car
Hi everyone. I took this quiz and I am pretty sure that I'm a hot car. Not to mention I really like this one. So, I would say "nice match." I don't really know about the 'up-to-date technology' part though - I am fairly certain I am the only one without a cell phone. . .except you Corey. We can be phone-free together!
I'm a Porsche 911!
You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology. You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite,and you know it.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I recommend the Kent County Health Dept. . .
Today, I went to get my vaccinations for my class in Mexico. And, after struggling with the Montcalm Co. Health Dept., the Gratiot Co. Health Dept., and my own primary care physician, my mother and I went to Kent Co. and -voila- vaccines pronto. I only had to have three - one of which was only bc an old doctor's office didn't do my hep-b correctly. Anyway - this is all going to one thing: I had to have a shot in my bum. And, why this is probably none of your business, I am happy to say that I have experienced the awkwardness that movies try to depict (i.e. Pearl Harbor. . . but I wasn't attracted to the nurse).
um. . . I hope that someone out there watched ER tonight. I don't normally watch tv, but I happened to catch this one. One of the doctors goes to an IDP camp in Darfur. It was very well done. They had stats - I wonder where they got them, although they sounded correct - conservative- but in the correct range I guess. Not that I have been to Darfur, or know anyone who has, I think that the director did a wonderful job conveying the culture shock. There are three more episodes left in the season - it's on Thursday evenings. I encourage you guys to check it out.
Ok...I have to be up early tomorrow - I am going with my mom to drop my sister off at the Gerald R. Ford- early as 4:30 am - *throws confetti* Catch ya on da flip.
um. . . I hope that someone out there watched ER tonight. I don't normally watch tv, but I happened to catch this one. One of the doctors goes to an IDP camp in Darfur. It was very well done. They had stats - I wonder where they got them, although they sounded correct - conservative- but in the correct range I guess. Not that I have been to Darfur, or know anyone who has, I think that the director did a wonderful job conveying the culture shock. There are three more episodes left in the season - it's on Thursday evenings. I encourage you guys to check it out.
Ok...I have to be up early tomorrow - I am going with my mom to drop my sister off at the Gerald R. Ford- early as 4:30 am - *throws confetti* Catch ya on da flip.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Today is a great day.
Hi everyone. Today is a great day. I have not been this happy in a long time - I am so glad, that any other issues I might have been having - aren't of consequence. I slept in, called Cross-Cultural Solutions, called Kent County Community Health, registered to vote, and got my passport in the mail. I was very productive. It is amazing what that can do for someone's attitude. I still have more to do, but a lot of stress has been relieved.
And for those of you taking exams and whatnot - best luck.
I suppose, while I have time, I should do some shoutouts - bc there are some people that deserve them : )
And for those of you taking exams and whatnot - best luck.
I suppose, while I have time, I should do some shoutouts - bc there are some people that deserve them : )
Stephie - You are the greatest. Please don't let school or ex-boyfriends get to you. Please don't let mom or dad get to you. I just want you to be happy. It's almost time for you to graduate - and the people who know and love you - the people you know and love - although they are leaving, everything will work out. Afterall, You, Kitsy, and I are living together my senior year - just look forward to that! I love you and I am always here for you. Knock um dead in Dallas - and then again in NYC!
Andrew - You say you don't read my blog, but I know you do. Anyway, I wanted to publicly apologize for making you look like a complete ass to everyone. You aren't. Of everyone I have ever met, you have probably been the most honest, best friend I have had. I am sorry - and I hope you do well on your math final. Looking forward to seeing you.
Dad - I have no idea if you read this - hopefully you do, bc I read yours! I love you Dad and I want to thank you for all the time you have spent lately helping me sort my life out. Of everything I have done, I couldn't have done it without your unconditional support. Thanks.
Corey - I owe you an apology and a big fat hug. You are such a loyal person and I haven't been a very good friend over the past year. I am sorry. The hug is for being so genuine and kind. You're amazing.
Andrew - You say you don't read my blog, but I know you do. Anyway, I wanted to publicly apologize for making you look like a complete ass to everyone. You aren't. Of everyone I have ever met, you have probably been the most honest, best friend I have had. I am sorry - and I hope you do well on your math final. Looking forward to seeing you.
Dad - I have no idea if you read this - hopefully you do, bc I read yours! I love you Dad and I want to thank you for all the time you have spent lately helping me sort my life out. Of everything I have done, I couldn't have done it without your unconditional support. Thanks.
Corey - I owe you an apology and a big fat hug. You are such a loyal person and I haven't been a very good friend over the past year. I am sorry. The hug is for being so genuine and kind. You're amazing.
Monday, April 24, 2006
What if I were a hippy?

Hello all. I was just having random thoughts. . . one includes me having a secret desire to be a neo-hippy. That's right folks. I sort of wonder what my life would be like if I was a hippy. Some parts I wouldn't be able to live with - including growing out the hair on my body - ew. But the henna tatoos and hemp jewlery - comfy, laid-back skirts with sandles all the time. . .I think I could do that. Sometimes when I am really lazy - like today- I woke up three times, but didn't get up until 2 pm. . . Sometimes when I am really lazy, i wish i was a hippy. I wouldn't shower, and I could be okay with that, bc I would be a hippy. I would wear the same jean everyday for four weeks and I wouldn't care bc I would be a hippy. I would never wear makeup. But no - I shall not become a hippy. I will shower today and I will shave my legs. I will probably wear the same jeans I wore yesterday but I will find something else tomorrow.
I need to clean - I found out that the last time my family cleaned our house was when I was home for Christmas. It isn't that messy - but too gross for me. So I clean. Then I will probably work on internship stuff - then spring term stuff. . . we shall see. Until then - call me Cinderella.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Nothing left to do. But, of course, I lie.

About the picture - I was in the process of getting lost with Brittany in New York's financial district, when we passed this shoe store. I thought the 'probably' added a degree of hilarity to the sign. I mean, how much more did these people pay? Why not just put " We might be the lowest priced in the city" or "We think we're low priced" - or better yet "We're cheap." I am reading too much into this, I know. But, I am trying to do stuff that won't bring me down.
My quote of the day
"There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only Love."
"There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only Love."
This quote is in a word - awesome. Why? Because it is true. I know not all of you are as bohemian as I tend to be, but tell me what is more worth while than love? It is my opinion, that if you can come up with a more accurate, honest answer than love, you haven't truly loved. It amazes me the power love has. What amazes me more is how humanity, which is capable of such a powerful positive emotion, can continue to live in hate and greed. . . This alludes to the possibility that love may not really be all it's cracked up to be. I guess it's all about choice. Each of us has the choice to live in love - we can promote it, show it genuinely toward each other, challenge one another to find loving qualities in our enemies (after all "Am I not also destroying my enemies by making friends of them?"). We can choose to love. Or, we can continue in a vein of hate and selfishness - turning our backs on atrocities, securing the viability of only ourselves, blaming the sufferers for their suffering. We can choose hate. But what is hate worth? Hate is not sacred. Hate does not compose our spirits. Hate most definitely is not worth living for -is a hateful life a life worth living? Hate is only worth dying for. Dying to put ourselves out of our misery.
I am frequently challenged by many intelligent people - arguing that my desire to help others and live in love is a waste. There is too much corruption. You aren't going to change mankind. People hate - they always will. I know as a race we are evil. But as individuals, we can save lives, help others - even just a few. And, though to some, that may not be a success, I cannot live a life in which I neglect others. In which, I left people who needed someone, alone. I know I cannot save the world. But if I could save just one - I would have done the only thing worth living for - I would have loved a stranger enough to spend my entire life striving to make their load lighter. I would have loved. That's the choice I have made. We all have the choice.
I am frequently challenged by many intelligent people - arguing that my desire to help others and live in love is a waste. There is too much corruption. You aren't going to change mankind. People hate - they always will. I know as a race we are evil. But as individuals, we can save lives, help others - even just a few. And, though to some, that may not be a success, I cannot live a life in which I neglect others. In which, I left people who needed someone, alone. I know I cannot save the world. But if I could save just one - I would have done the only thing worth living for - I would have loved a stranger enough to spend my entire life striving to make their load lighter. I would have loved. That's the choice I have made. We all have the choice.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
If everything isn't okay, it's not over
Sometimes I wake up and feel like a million. Other days - not so much. Today, unfortunately, was a 'not so much.' And it all began with last night.
I was up to three talking to the same person, about the same stuff, which made getting up at 7 an impossibility. When I did get up and dressed (at 11), I went to turn in the receipts for my internship. The provost office was closed. Therefore, I could not get the reimbursement for next week - like my mother wanted. Also, that meant that I would have to wait until next week before I could even think about getting my reimbursement. Which was an issue, bc I was fairly certain I was overdrawn bc of NYC. So, I decided I better go to the bank and see if I could fix anything. With $20 in my wallet I figure, if all my transactions haven't come through, I can put $10 in my checking and I will still have $10 for gas to get home on Saturday.
And then - like a miracle of God - my day got a lot better. I am standing in the bank when I realize that my check was direct deposited, and I never included in my register. So, I ask her - "how much?" - It was a lot. More than I expected. So that made me happy. Then I decide I should try the Provost office again. And - lo and behold- it's open and I was able to get my reciepts squared away. They are mailing the reimbursments to me over break. Realizing I have money, I decide I better go buy my spring term books. So I go -with my old text books - and make another $87. Overall, this day has not been as bad as I thought it would be.
It just reminds me of the saying "Everything will be okay." How many times have you heard someone say this and you think what the heck!?! Well, about a month ago - while I was having a pretty rough time of it - my friend Erik, who I met in St. Louis, told me that: "If everything isn't okay, it's not over." I was ready to pay $20 in overdraft and give up on the stupid provost's office - but in truth, my day had just begun!
I know you guys are probably all still working on finals and projects of the sort. I wish you best of luck. Kim offers you her protection, while she naps on the lawn - in the sun- with a book -and silly music -and no worries(virtually. 1,800 children will die today, of preventable causes).
Ok -that was depressing. Sorry guys.
I was up to three talking to the same person, about the same stuff, which made getting up at 7 an impossibility. When I did get up and dressed (at 11), I went to turn in the receipts for my internship. The provost office was closed. Therefore, I could not get the reimbursement for next week - like my mother wanted. Also, that meant that I would have to wait until next week before I could even think about getting my reimbursement. Which was an issue, bc I was fairly certain I was overdrawn bc of NYC. So, I decided I better go to the bank and see if I could fix anything. With $20 in my wallet I figure, if all my transactions haven't come through, I can put $10 in my checking and I will still have $10 for gas to get home on Saturday.
And then - like a miracle of God - my day got a lot better. I am standing in the bank when I realize that my check was direct deposited, and I never included in my register. So, I ask her - "how much?" - It was a lot. More than I expected. So that made me happy. Then I decide I should try the Provost office again. And - lo and behold- it's open and I was able to get my reciepts squared away. They are mailing the reimbursments to me over break. Realizing I have money, I decide I better go buy my spring term books. So I go -with my old text books - and make another $87. Overall, this day has not been as bad as I thought it would be.
It just reminds me of the saying "Everything will be okay." How many times have you heard someone say this and you think what the heck!?! Well, about a month ago - while I was having a pretty rough time of it - my friend Erik, who I met in St. Louis, told me that: "If everything isn't okay, it's not over." I was ready to pay $20 in overdraft and give up on the stupid provost's office - but in truth, my day had just begun!
I know you guys are probably all still working on finals and projects of the sort. I wish you best of luck. Kim offers you her protection, while she naps on the lawn - in the sun- with a book -and silly music -and no worries(virtually. 1,800 children will die today, of preventable causes).
Ok -that was depressing. Sorry guys.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Do you sleep with a drunk?
Whoa, this is a record for me. Thrice in one day! Anyway, this blog entry is inspired by annoyance and regrettable anger.
Let me preface this entry by also saying: "One does not need booze to make one's college experience - or life experience for that matter - more enjoyable."
With that being said, I get really bothered when people egg me about going out. I don't go out because, in Alma, if you go out you should probably be so plastered that you don't care that you are only going to stand around, get wasted, then come back to Gelston, Newberry, Bruske, or Wright and puke your entire night back up. I don't go out because I don't enjoy being the only sober person on the block. I don't go out because, while you are ruining your liver for the second or third time this week, I would rather read; watch a movie; or have an actual conversation - that I will remember. I disagree with your assumption that, if I go out, I will have more friends. I don't know about you, but I like to have more in common with my friends than the fact that we drank out of the same shot glass.
When I tell you that I don't want to go out, it isn't simply an isolated incident - I'm not 'just tired'. When I tell you that those parties are boring and that I don't feel like drinking. I mean it. I try to be as tactful as possible. But, for goodness sake, not everyone finds being drunk fun. I don't. So, stop bothering me about it. If I want to vomit in my own hair, scrape my knee on the pavement because I can't hold myself up, or lose my balance dancing on the bar - trust me - I can take the initiative. Leave me alone.
PS: When you stumble in around 2:30/3:oo AM, can you shut up? and set your own alarm? Remember, today's Wednesday - you don't have church tomorrow.
Let me preface this entry by also saying: "One does not need booze to make one's college experience - or life experience for that matter - more enjoyable."
With that being said, I get really bothered when people egg me about going out. I don't go out because, in Alma, if you go out you should probably be so plastered that you don't care that you are only going to stand around, get wasted, then come back to Gelston, Newberry, Bruske, or Wright and puke your entire night back up. I don't go out because I don't enjoy being the only sober person on the block. I don't go out because, while you are ruining your liver for the second or third time this week, I would rather read; watch a movie; or have an actual conversation - that I will remember. I disagree with your assumption that, if I go out, I will have more friends. I don't know about you, but I like to have more in common with my friends than the fact that we drank out of the same shot glass.
When I tell you that I don't want to go out, it isn't simply an isolated incident - I'm not 'just tired'. When I tell you that those parties are boring and that I don't feel like drinking. I mean it. I try to be as tactful as possible. But, for goodness sake, not everyone finds being drunk fun. I don't. So, stop bothering me about it. If I want to vomit in my own hair, scrape my knee on the pavement because I can't hold myself up, or lose my balance dancing on the bar - trust me - I can take the initiative. Leave me alone.
PS: When you stumble in around 2:30/3:oo AM, can you shut up? and set your own alarm? Remember, today's Wednesday - you don't have church tomorrow.
Inaugural Entry
Hello everyone. I am getting tired of xanga and myspace --- there are too many silly people. I have a feeling that this may be a more appropriate blog site. My father actually turned me on to it. Which is silly and I teased him for it.
Through this blog I will try to express some of my views on things going on in the world, but I cannot guarantee that it will be completely void of any personal touches. After all, (and I am sure we agree) complete politics would be boring as hell. So, I suppose I should clarify --- I will try to express my view of things going on in my world.
Well, this is it for now. . . and for more semi-empty promises: I will try to update regularly. Ha ha. But seriously folks, I will make an honest effort --- bec my life is so amazing.
Hello everyone. I am getting tired of xanga and myspace --- there are too many silly people. I have a feeling that this may be a more appropriate blog site. My father actually turned me on to it. Which is silly and I teased him for it.
Through this blog I will try to express some of my views on things going on in the world, but I cannot guarantee that it will be completely void of any personal touches. After all, (and I am sure we agree) complete politics would be boring as hell. So, I suppose I should clarify --- I will try to express my view of things going on in my world.
Well, this is it for now. . . and for more semi-empty promises: I will try to update regularly. Ha ha. But seriously folks, I will make an honest effort --- bec my life is so amazing.
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