I have been in Peru for the last three weeks and I have two more weeks left. I have come to the conclusion that I love Peru and, if I could, I would live here for a year or so. My placement at Los Martincitos is much better than I anticipated. On MWF the the elderly in need come into the center and recieve two hot meals and a social atmosphere. I help prepare food, serve food, do activities with the abuelitos (cute grandparents), and do very little paperwork. On T, Th, I visit those abuelos that are too ill to come into the center. We go into their homes and provide company. Sometimes there are desperate situations that we have had to deal with. In general, however, people mostly just want love.
As far as travelling, I have been lucky enough to visit Huaraz, Trujillo, and Chiclayo. All were wonderful. I much prefer the smaller cities and towns of Peru to Lima. If it is financially feasible I would like to visit Huacachina this weekend, but we shall see.
I hope everything is going well at home. See you soon!