And, to cap everything off, I feel like I might be trying to get sick. I started feeling nauseas on Monday morning and, starting about 2 hours ago, it has gotten worse. I know that it is flu season, I only hope that I am not actually getting sick, but that I may have eaten something offensive.
Regardless of my stomach, I am still very happy. This afternoon, my sister and I went shopping for suits. I got two (red and light heather) for just over $100. There was a big sale. I am so glad that I finally got my red suit! For my business wardrobe I have really wanted two things: one red suit and one white suit. One down, one to go. I also have some things coming up this weekend that I am really looking forward to. The first is on Friday. After work I am driving to see my friend, Brent, and we're going to meet up with some others and catch up. The second is on Saturday. I have been really looking forward to talking with my friend Corey, and he finally found some time in his busy schedule for me. So, despite any illness, I have some fun things to look forward to this weekend - I really cannot wait.
In other news, I also got a look at the committees Alma will be on for the National Model UN conference this year. We're prefrencing which committees we want to be on as individuals. I listed three of the four General Assembly Committees (GA Plenary, GA 1st, and GA 2nd). And the fourth preference I made was the African Union. Myself and one other team member, Brittany, generally are assigned to economic committees like GA 2nd and the AU. This year, however, I would like to research some conflict and peace issues. After this summer's trip to the U.K. and learning quite a bit about creating peace after conflict, I have been very interested in it. Also, Stanford Law has, what looks like, an interesting program on international peace negotiation and conflict resolution. Lately, I have been imagining myself as a peace negotiator, though before I settle on this, I need to know if conflict, security, and peace hold my interest (hence me preferencing GA Plen and GA 1st). We'll see, Dr. H said he would have our assignments by the time finals end on Dec. 14. I am very excited to see what I get.
That's it for now. I hope you are all great and wonderful and happy. I love you all!
I Corinthians 13:3-7
Romans 13:8
I Corinthians 13:3-7
Romans 13:8
Now playing: John Mayer - Split Screen Sadness
via FoxyTunes