Model UN Team Wins Top Award
For the 11th straight year, the Alma College Model UnitedCompeting in New York City March 20 through 25, Alma student delegations representing Algeria and Fiji each received “outstanding delegation” recognition. This is the 11th straight year that at least one Alma student delegation has been awarded the top honor and the sixth time in seven years that Alma has had two “outstanding delegations” at the national conference.
Alma’s two delegations also received “outstanding” recognition for the quality of their written submissions. In addition, six students received “outstanding” recognition for their individual accomplishments.
“The Alma students had the best performance of any school at the conference,” said Derick “Sandy” Hulme, faculty advisor. “It was the finest performance of any Model UN Team that Alma has had and the finest performance I’ve seen in 15 years. What is remarkable is that this is the youngest team we’ve ever had with two 10 freshmen, 10 sophomores, seven juniors and four seniors. So the best is yet to come.”
Alma has claimed 18 “outstanding” delegations at the national conference in the last 13 years.
The national conference is the largest and most prestigious collegiate Model UN competition in the world, with 4,500 students competing on behalf of more than 270 colleges and universities from 31 countries.
Model UN attempts to replicate the real United Nations in a competitive manner. Teams of college students take on identities of countries, and delegates from each country meet in committee to propose, discuss and debate topics ranging from finance to refugees to AIDS. Once resolutions are completed in committee, they are presented to the Model UN replication of the UN General Assembly to be further debated before the assembly votes on resolutions.
Algerian delegation:
Jim Allen, Harbor Springs sophomore
David Bechtold, Idaho Falls, Idaho, freshman
Rachel Blackhurst, Midland freshman
Christopher Chesney, Riverview freshman
Rachel Dotson, Chelsea junior
Lindsay Dunbar, Cadillac senior
Denise Elowsky, East Tawas freshman
Drew Emge, Bay City sophomore
Elizabeth Espinosa, Ann Arbor senior
Dan Fraser, Lexington sophomore
Rachel Gerds, Kalamazoo junior
Taylor Gibson, Gowen freshman
Avis Groath, Clinton Township junior
Kristen Haight, Cadillac sophomore
Danielle Jellison, Ithaca freshman
Annie Jennings, Augusta freshman
Kimberly Joki, Greenville sophomore
Lorna Kilborn, Harbor Springs junior
Brittany Law, Hartland sophomore
Emily Neil, Midland freshman
Samantha Pavolko, Grand Ledge sophomore
Aaron Pooley, Reed City sophomore
Josh Robare, Hillsdale junior
Emelia Shroyer, Decatur junior
Toshia Williams, Southfield senior
Fiji delegation:
Amanda Brewster, Jenison junior
Meredith Campbell, East Lansing sophomore
Letha Dolza, Davisburg freshman
Stephen Helzerman, Riverdale sophomore
Sandra McCormick, Dimondale freshman
Emilee Syrewicze, Luther junior
Individual “outstanding” delegates:
Jim Allen, Harbor Springs sophomore
David Bechtold, Idaho Falls, Idaho, freshman
Rachel Dotson, Chelsea junior
Lindsay Dunbar, Cadillac senior
Elizabeth Espinosa, Ann Arbor senior
Kim Joki, Greenville sophomore
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