About the picture - I was in the process of getting lost with Brittany in New York's financial district, when we passed this shoe store. I thought the 'probably' added a degree of hilarity to the sign. I mean, how much more did these people pay? Why not just put " We might be the lowest priced in the city" or "We think we're low priced" - or better yet "We're cheap." I am reading too much into this, I know. But, I am trying to do stuff that won't bring me down.
My quote of the day
"There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only Love."
"There are only four questions of value in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same: only Love."
This quote is in a word - awesome. Why? Because it is true. I know not all of you are as bohemian as I tend to be, but tell me what is more worth while than love? It is my opinion, that if you can come up with a more accurate, honest answer than love, you haven't truly loved. It amazes me the power love has. What amazes me more is how humanity, which is capable of such a powerful positive emotion, can continue to live in hate and greed. . . This alludes to the possibility that love may not really be all it's cracked up to be. I guess it's all about choice. Each of us has the choice to live in love - we can promote it, show it genuinely toward each other, challenge one another to find loving qualities in our enemies (after all "Am I not also destroying my enemies by making friends of them?"). We can choose to love. Or, we can continue in a vein of hate and selfishness - turning our backs on atrocities, securing the viability of only ourselves, blaming the sufferers for their suffering. We can choose hate. But what is hate worth? Hate is not sacred. Hate does not compose our spirits. Hate most definitely is not worth living for -is a hateful life a life worth living? Hate is only worth dying for. Dying to put ourselves out of our misery.
I am frequently challenged by many intelligent people - arguing that my desire to help others and live in love is a waste. There is too much corruption. You aren't going to change mankind. People hate - they always will. I know as a race we are evil. But as individuals, we can save lives, help others - even just a few. And, though to some, that may not be a success, I cannot live a life in which I neglect others. In which, I left people who needed someone, alone. I know I cannot save the world. But if I could save just one - I would have done the only thing worth living for - I would have loved a stranger enough to spend my entire life striving to make their load lighter. I would have loved. That's the choice I have made. We all have the choice.
I am frequently challenged by many intelligent people - arguing that my desire to help others and live in love is a waste. There is too much corruption. You aren't going to change mankind. People hate - they always will. I know as a race we are evil. But as individuals, we can save lives, help others - even just a few. And, though to some, that may not be a success, I cannot live a life in which I neglect others. In which, I left people who needed someone, alone. I know I cannot save the world. But if I could save just one - I would have done the only thing worth living for - I would have loved a stranger enough to spend my entire life striving to make their load lighter. I would have loved. That's the choice I have made. We all have the choice.
I also thought that sign was quite hillarious ... but maybe I will give a more thought out response tomorrow or something
- *runs around* . . . I'm never gonna finish this in time AHHH! *gets back to work*
Interesting to say the least.
Okay Ryan. . . of all the people - you give me 'interesting.' I don't approve.
The whole inherent in evil thing... we'll talk ;)
Kim, I completely agree with your logic on love. It's all true!I love love :P. Oh, and I also really enjoyed your post on drinking a lot. It's nice to see someone out there with the same logic as me. Here's to not drinking! *raises glass of water*
I very much enjoyed this entry, it was very true! And I agree with almost all of it!!!
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