
"Logic is a small thing; Love is infinite."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Weakness. . .

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character." - Albert Einstein

I am guilty. I am guilty of judging others quickly and severely for weaknesses I see in them. When an individual has doubt in their heart, feels he or she to be uncapable, or gives up - I struggle to maintain respect for that individual. It is tragic for me to see so many people that think so little of themselves. It is equally tragic to see so many others that degrade others to stay balanced on their own feet.

Anyone who knows what "type D" means - will know that this inability to accept weakness is characteristic of dominant personalities like my own. Anyone who is a "D" can understand why I am sick of people failing; I am sick of people not participating; I am sick of people settling! If you want to live a life feeling sorry for yourself, that is your choice, but I cannot promise that I will be able to tolerate you for very long.

The most universal manifestation of weakness is in attitude. Albert Einstein's quote expresses, in my opinion, the the essence of weakness - peoples' outlooks are staining their characters. I see people everyday who seem not to care - who go day to day without any belief in themselves. These people prevade negativity and pollute the world with their fragility.

Although, I realize I should not judge others for anything. I am struggling not to walk up to these individuals and yell:

"Get a freaking backbone!"


Anonymous said...

lol. I actually have agree on quite abit of it. I love your statement on fragility. Made me have a good laugh. Weakness is well... sometimes flat out pathetic. But it can also be... advantageous. Either way nice post.

good day ;)


Anonymous said...

To soften the blow - let's not mix up weakness with innocence. However, if we continue to love our lives like that it means that we are moving to fast. By automatically judging like that we automatically close several hallways down which our lives could have helped, changed, or made better. To clarify - what I HATE is the lack of desire to change one's self for the better. By knowing there is a problem and just letting it simmer and boil is the ultimate sin. The ultimate betrayal of our nature. Now I'm thinking too much. poo.



Linz said...

Yeah...what Ryan said :P.

Anonymous said...

Though Type Ds aren't supposed to mix well with us Type Cs, I think all types contribute to some part of a solution. It's just a matter of seeing the worth of their part.

Though it CAN be frustrating to learn!

Cheers, ;)