
"Logic is a small thing; Love is infinite."

Monday, September 03, 2007

New phase in life.

Hello to all who may or may not read this.

I am writing to quickly update the small and very important portion of the world that cares enough to check my blog regardless of infrequent updates.

My life is taking a significant step in some unknown direction, hopefully forward. After contemplation, I decided on a full-time internship with Governor Granholm, analyzing education policy in her executive office. I am very excited for this opportunity. Though, admittedly, I am nervous. In addition to interning 43 hours a week, I am trying to find a part-time job to help cover the living costs. I will be commuting to Lansing and I need to be able to pay for gas, parking, food, some rent, and a cellular phone (for security).

It is liberating, in a way, to be working and not have to be doing homework all the time. We'll see how long I maintain that view. Change is refreshing. Just being in a new town is nice. Now, I need to somehow remain committed to the person I have become over the last few months. It becomes easy to revert to old behaviors when busy/stressed/overcoming new challenges - I don't want to come to that. The beauty that I saw and encountered over the summer I need and want to retain for the rest of my life. I want to be able to reinvigorate that feeling with experiences here, at home. To do this, I think the most important commitment I need to make is one to myself. I have, for the last 2 or 3 years, been lost in what I assume others expect of me. I was unhappy. For now, I believe the best thing for me to do is to return to the parts of myself that freed me when I was younger - music and art. My life has largely been void of these things for the past 2 years. Not only did these things give me time to focus, reflect, and find clarity but they gave me one of the most valuable things to proper self-happiness - time with myself. I also want to continue to write in my journal - something that I have tried to do for years with little success until my experience in Peru this summer. I am hopeful.

Also, Corey, I am very happy that you liked the baby bunny. I am glad someone could borrow the joy that I found from it. I hope your classes are going well and that you are finding time to smile.


I Corinthians 13: 3-7
Romans 13: 8

1 comment:

Linz said...

Wow Kim. Congratulations to you ten fold. I'm very happy for you & I think this is going to be a good change for you. Best of luck :)