
"Logic is a small thing; Love is infinite."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

General update.

With one and a half weeks left in my internship, my fall is winding down. Given the nature of events this fall: moving in with my boyfriend, adjusting to working life, moving out and breaking up with my boyfriend, adjusting to living at home and, now, finishing up my internship, this fall has seemed to be a whirlwind of transitioning for me. It has all gone by so quickly, it's borderline amazing.

And, to cap everything off, I feel like I might be trying to get sick. I started feeling nauseas on Monday morning and, starting about 2 hours ago, it has gotten worse. I know that it is flu season, I only hope that I am not actually getting sick, but that I may have eaten something offensive.

Regardless of my stomach, I am still very happy. This afternoon, my sister and I went shopping for suits. I got two (red and light heather) for just over $100. There was a big sale. I am so glad that I finally got my red suit! For my business wardrobe I have really wanted two things: one red suit and one white suit. One down, one to go. I also have some things coming up this weekend that I am really looking forward to. The first is on Friday. After work I am driving to see my friend, Brent, and we're going to meet up with some others and catch up. The second is on Saturday. I have been really looking forward to talking with my friend Corey, and he finally found some time in his busy schedule for me. So, despite any illness, I have some fun things to look forward to this weekend - I really cannot wait.

In other news, I also got a look at the committees Alma will be on for the National Model UN conference this year. We're prefrencing which committees we want to be on as individuals. I listed three of the four General Assembly Committees (GA Plenary, GA 1st, and GA 2nd). And the fourth preference I made was the African Union. Myself and one other team member, Brittany, generally are assigned to economic committees like GA 2nd and the AU. This year, however, I would like to research some conflict and peace issues. After this summer's trip to the U.K. and learning quite a bit about creating peace after conflict, I have been very interested in it. Also, Stanford Law has, what looks like, an interesting program on international peace negotiation and conflict resolution. Lately, I have been imagining myself as a peace negotiator, though before I settle on this, I need to know if conflict, security, and peace hold my interest (hence me preferencing GA Plen and GA 1st). We'll see, Dr. H said he would have our assignments by the time finals end on Dec. 14. I am very excited to see what I get.

That's it for now. I hope you are all great and wonderful and happy. I love you all!

I Corinthians 13:3-7
Romans 13:8

Now playing: John Mayer - Split Screen Sadness
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

i love that you're happy. i love you.
sloppy joe.

Chelsea said...

A little bit impulsive...I'm sorry to report but yes. Although, these couches were like on super sale, so it was totally okay! I'm gonna probably put some pictures of my Christmas living room up so everyone can see and then you can be jealous :)

I'm jealous that you got a red suit. I've always wanted one of those. Though, I think it would be a little too *bang* for my office. Maybe when I own my own business I can have a red powersuit too :)

Linz said...

Hey Kim. Long time no talk. It sounds like you are having very tumultous times, both good and bad. I am as well too, so I can relate, if only a little. I bet your red suit is hot! I get to dress up a bit for my job and I love it. I wish you all the best! I miss ya, and I wish things had turned out differently with our group. Maybe we could talk sometime...

Anonymous said...

You write very well.