
"Logic is a small thing; Love is infinite."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Viva Chihuahua!

Mexico was amazing. I set some goals and am rethinking my life.


Corey Patrick Miller said...

I wondered when you would finally make some sort of post on this.

- Glad that you had fun, and that's another cool background in that last pic you have there ^^

Anonymous said...

So what do you mean rethinking your life?? It looks like you had a great time and continue to have a blast!!!

Kimberly said...

When I say "rethinking my life" I mean that I may not want to be a diplomat anymore. I did have a great time though Mal!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim! It looks like Mexico was beautiful and fun for you. I love all of your pictures. The one with the little kids is very art-ful ;). I'm glad you had a good time. Miss you!