
"Logic is a small thing; Love is infinite."

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Not much has changed. . . .

I figure that it has been quite long enough since I last posted (or at least since I posted anything worth reading).

To be frank, I haven't posted because I have not felt like I have anything happening in my life that is appropriate material for my blog. Nevertheless, I will update you on the general landscape of recent day-to-day life. Perhaps the most important thing, of which I am most proud, is my sister's graduation from high school. Today we hosted her open house and went over very well - if you ask me. Stephie, of course, looked wonderful wearing a dress she bought in New York City. I wish she knew how beautiful, wonderful and talented she is. When I think about everything she has put up with and her attitude - there are fragments of her that I wish I had in my character. I am proud of her for her bite. If you are lucky enough to know Steph, you know what I am referring to. She doesn't take crap from anyone - which sometimes can be unpleasant when I am the one dishing out the trash. Many times I feel like I am too placid. I turn around and see her there telling some jerk-face-loser-pants that he needs to get a life, and I wish I could dish it out like her. I cannot wait until she gets married ( just a warning to her future husband : she never loses). I am proud of her unwavering commitment to right and wrong. If something is immoral, inappropriate, or uncouth she's there to make sure it doesn't happen in her presence. I wish I had that - at least to the degree she does. I look up to her in so many ways. Watching her graduate tomorrow is going to be emotional; my soulmate is grown up; our careless childhood memories have a finality like never before; my home is changing and there is a threat that it could leave and I would not be able to stop it. More than this, I have confidence in her.

Also, I have been ill these past few days. It's dumb, and I have been trying to ignore it.

I have been reading a book called Ishmael. If you ever wondered why, historically, advanced civilizations have never survived, this book offers an interesting thesis. What is more, it is put into a digestable fiction form with helpful anecdotes. Solutions are inherently obvious. . .

I won't write about Mexico because there is too much to type. I will have to figure out an effective system to update others about happenings while I am in Lima.

Nights are bad for me too.

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