
"Logic is a small thing; Love is infinite."

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I am going crazy waiting to hear back about my internship apps. I really just want to know, so I can plan my summer! Esp. if I end up in Africa - I need vaccinations ASAP. I had been hoping to at least hear about the USUN internship for the fall - so, if I got accepted, I wouldn't have to do my Off-Campus studies statement. I didn't get an email from the State Dept.,so - alas! I must write the silly statement.

So, besides that -

My Honors Day presentation went well. Unfortunately, I ran out of time and didn't cover all my points. I don't think fifteen minutes is a fair amount of time to explain a year of research. At least when I am in Chicago, I will have an hour and the people there will be more familiar with my topic so I won't waste time explaining things.

Also, last night (which would be Fri. the 6th) we had our final choir concert for the year. We performed "St. John's Passion" by J. Bach. It lasted about two hours and was pretty boring. Luckily, during the long portions when my choir wasn't singing we were able to sit down. Not that it really made a difference for me. No one could see me from the audience; I got stuck standing behind the organ! It was ridiculous. To make matters worse, I had been in a crabby mood because I had been having trouble breathing. It feels a bit better now, but I am still taking it easy.

I am pretty much ready for the year to be over. Anyone else?

1 comment:

Linz said...

Here here!